Fertilizer & Weed Control
(optional, but highly recommended):
Our team has extensive knowledge on Chapel Hill/Durham NC grass types, soil composition, invasive species, diseases and weather conditions. We bring that education straight to your lawn. Fertilizer and weed control is one of the top services we provide at Landscape Logic, as it they are some of the most crucial services necessary for maintaining a lawn of the highest standard. Our team is dedicated to providing expert services practically and economically. We will never sell you anything that won't directly benefit your lawn! We take pride in making your yard the envy of the entire neighborhood, and these two services are a key part of these efforts!
Jan - Feb: Slow Release Fertilizer, Weed Control & Pre–Emergence for Crabgrass Control.
Mar - Apr: Slow Release Fertilizer, Weed Control & Pre–Emergence for Crabgrass Control.
May - Jun - Jul: Applications determined by needs of lawn: Fertilizer & Weed Control.
Sep - Oct: Granulated Fertilizer & Weed Control.
Nov - Dec: Fertilizer & Weed Control.
Dec - Jan: Lime Application.
APPROX 6 applications per yr; Cost per application $
Fungicide spray for brown patch (common summer problem in high quality turf controlled by applying fungicide spray); Residual on appl is 21 days; Appl amount & timing largely depend on relative humidity & temperature (to keep your lawn looking its best & protect your financial & aesthetic investment).
APPROX 4 appl per yr; Cost per appl $
Jan - Feb: Slow Release Fertilizer, Weed Control & Pre–Emergence for Crabgrass Control.
Mar - Apr: Slow Release Fertilizer, Weed Control & Pre–Emergence for Crabgrass Control.
May - Jun - Jul: Applications determined by needs of lawn: Fertilizer & Weed Control.
Sep - Oct: Granulated Fertilizer & Weed Control.
Nov - Dec: Fertilizer & Weed Control.
Dec - Jan: Lime Application.
APPROX 6 applications per yr; Cost per application $
Fungicide spray for brown patch (common summer problem in high quality turf controlled by applying fungicide spray); Residual on appl is 21 days; Appl amount & timing largely depend on relative humidity & temperature (to keep your lawn looking its best & protect your financial & aesthetic investment).
APPROX 4 appl per yr; Cost per appl $